Sunday, 25 January 2015

Exam topics - Student Graphical Analysis

Show your student how they performed on each topic in the test.

This will require openoffice which is a free alternative to microsoft office and can be downloaded from

You can download the file from the following link

Before any marks can be added to the spreadsheet, it is necessary to look through the exam papers and make a note of the topics of each question and the maximum mark available for each section. The goal is to divide the paper into the smallest number of topic sections.

Q1a - Calculations (6 marks)
Q1b - Resistance (8 marks)
Q2-4 - Projectile Motion (13 marks)
Q5 - Resistance and Projectile motion (9 marks)
Q6 - Forces (15 marks)

Select a unique single letter code for each Topic

C Calculations
P Projectile Motion
R Resistance
F Forces

This can be entered into the "Exam" Sheet.

For each topic section enter the topics and the number of marks available. The reference row is purely for your reference. Enter the Code(s) for the topics which refer to the question in the top box. It is important to use exactly the same codes as you put into the boxes. You can enter up to 3 topics per topic section (but obviously you'll get more accurate results dividing up the papers into individual topic sections), and do not insert spaces between them - RPC will work R P C (with spaces) will not.

Mark 6 8 13 9 15
\ Ref Q1a Q1b Q2-4 Q5 Q6

It is, of course, necessary to calculate the marks for each topic section for each student when the paper is marked.

The codes are entered into the Box on the right hand side of the "Exam" sheet.

The averages for each question are available at the bottom, allowing the teacher to see exactly how well the class performed on each of the topic sections.

The MCQ sheet (below), has space for more exam topic sections (as MCQ papers tend to have more questions and exam topic changes). The boxes in yellow cannot be modified, only enter information into the green and blue boxes.

The results sheet

The name of the student can be selected on the graph sheet and the bars should change to reflect the topics - printing this page will result in 1 A4 page being used - alternatively you can always save the pdf in the print dialog.

The Graphs

On the left is how the student achieved in the MCQ, in the short answer exam and a 1:1 average of the two. The graph at the bottom is intended as a revision guide for the student - it arranges the topics in order of weakest to strongest, advising the student to start revising with their weakest one. The graphs on the right hand side show how the student is performing relative to the class average for each individual topic - this particular student performed better than his peers on every topic except the dark green one. Again, the top box is the MCQ, the middle is the short answer exam and then an average of the two.

The revision suggestion at the bottom right is listed in order of the weakest topics relative to the class average.

Please let me know if there are any problems with the spreadsheet.

Dr Alistair